- 她已不哭了,她的声音是娓娓动听的,她把沙威那只大而粗的手压在她那白嫩的胸脯上,笑眯眯地望着他。
- She no longer wept , her voice was caressing ; she placed javert 's coarse hand on her delicate , white throat and looked smilingly at him .
- 他们把枯叶编成小船,微笑著把它们飘浮在深远的海上。孩子在世界的海滨做著游戏。
- With withered leaves they weave their boats and smilingly float them on the vast deep . Children have their play on the seashore of worlds .
- 这个女孩笑着提醒她她们一起度过的童年时光。
- The girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together .
- 不过,这的确是两个猫女!喵!
- But yeah , two cat women ! Both : miaow !
- m为什么就一定在p前面?
- Why does m come before p ?
- 一个此类游戏为m维度,三个男孩子在周二玩了这个游戏。
- One such game is dimension m , played by three boys on tuesday .
- 与泰特现代博物馆十分相似,m+正在寻找那些需要长期收藏的收藏品。
- Much like tate modern , m + is looking for collections that need a long-term home .