- 咖啡店里卖啤酒吗?
- A coffee shop serving beer ?
- 喝热茶或者热咖啡。
- Drink hot tea or coffee .
- 咖啡馆时代回来了。
- The coffee house is back .
- 玛卡可以平衡男性荷尔蒙吗?
- How does maca balance hormones in men ?
- 从安第斯山脉的高处流传到古秘鲁人这里的性草本--玛卡,能帮助您到达一个新的高度。
- From high in the andes mountains comes the ancient peruvian sexuality herb maca to help you reach new heights .
- 玛卡怎么能接受?
- How did maca take it ?
- 大家一起唱棕色的歌词!
- Everyone sings the brown words together !
- 她戴着一顶棕色的皮帽。
- She 's wearing a brown leather hat .
- 让我介绍一下布朗先生好吗?
- May I introduce mr. brown ?