- 但他好像遭受到了优胜者的诅咒。
- But he has suffered the favourite 's curse .
- 并且,它是对商业生产的咒骂。
- And a curse to business productivity .
- 过早获得巨大成功也可能是种诅咒。
- Big wins early on can be a curse .
- 我没有碰到那个该死的键!
- I didn 't tap that damn button !
- 这该死的车又出故障了。
- The damn car broke down again .
- 写下自己的想法不等于开始那该死的游戏。
- Writing your idea down is not starting the damn game .
- 受害者对虐待有极度轻视的倾向。
- Victims tend to minimize the abuse .
- 滥用将会是一个问题。
- Abuse would be a further problem .
- 路德维希显然看到了虐待儿童的蛛丝马迹。
- Ludwig evidently sees evidence of child abuse .