- 可以请问你的电话吗?
- Could I call you back later ?
- 我将这称之为结果。
- I call that a result .
- 利润和呼叫质量同时猛降。
- Profits and call quality slumped .
- 猫咪一周大的时候就开始发出咕噜声了,当他们吸气和呼气时也是如此。
- Cats start to purr at one week oldand can do so continually as they inhale and exhale .
- 对于有“吸入生活的原材料并呼出一套喜剧剧目或是一个故事”倾向的人来说,编剧是一种天然的庇护所。
- For someone inclined to " inhale the raw material of life and exhale a comedy routine or a story " , playwriting was a natural refuge .
- 剩下的碳键通过我们的呼吸排出体外吸入的氧气将碳包裹起来后送出体外,呼出二氧化碳。
- Left over are carbon bonds that are cleared out by every breath we take-inhale oxygen , which binds with carbon to escort it out the body , exhale carbon dioxide .
- 他们兄弟俩彼此大叫呼喊。
- They shout to each other .
- 在里斯本,葡萄牙工会cgtp的工人大声呼喊着反对紧缩政策的口号。
- Workers shout slogans against austerity measures during a march by the portuguese union cgtp in lisbon .
- 这时有人呼喊一声大家立刻行动起来,开始把一张大网拖进海里。
- A shout rang out and his men leapt into action , dragging a long net out into the water .
- 等你大一些了,你想住在hoo吗,或更大一些的城市?
- When you are older , do you want to stay in hoo or to live in a bigger city ?
- 看这些眼睛他们总是在茫然寻觅看这些梦又如此支离破碎。
- Look at these eyes they never seen what matters . Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered . , Hoo . Ooh .
- 静穆的存在贺慕群绘画中的悲悯与纯真。
- Solemnly quiet existence : sympathy and innocence in hoo mojong 's painting .