- 总体而言,气温升高、降水增多、蒸发减少的气候条件,有利于气候向暖湿化方向转变,有利于减少地表水分的损失、恢复植被、涵养水源,能更好地调节周边的气候。
- In a word , the climate conditions of temperature increasing , precipitation increasing and evaporation decreasing benefit the climate change to the direction of wet and warm , benefit to decrease the loss of earth 's surface humidity , benefit the instauration of plant cover , benefit to self-restraint headwaters , and can regulate the circumjacent climate better .
- “我们的研究结果均符合火星着陆器、轨道数据和气候模型,同时提出一个寒冷和潮湿早期火星,”他们在自然(nature)杂志上写道。
- " Our results are compatible with mars lander and orbiter data and with climate modeling , and suggest a cold and wet early mars , " they wrote in the journal nature .
- 牧民还需要更好的兽医服务、便于到达的集市、公路、以及得到改善的雨季和旱季牧区管理。
- Better veterinary services are also needed , along with access to markets and roads , and improved management of wet and dry-season grazing areas .