- 示威游行者的非凡忍耐力在一周周过去后得到了回报。
- The extraordinary endurance of demonstrators week after week is paying off .
- 示威游行者的非凡忍耐力在一周周过去后得到了回报。
- The extraordinary endurance of demonstrators week after week is paying off .
- 主流电影评论家们所面临的最棘手问题是他们必须严肃地,或至少是饶有兴味地处理大量垃圾作品你如何周复一周地评论麦克贝的探险和亚当山德勒的喜剧?
- The knottiest problem for mainstream film critics regards the preponderance of trash that they have to treat seriously , or at least entertainingly what can you say about michael bay adventures and adam sandler comedies week after week ?