- 我来告诉你们原因。
- Let me tell you why .
- 告诉他们你的感觉。
- Tell them how you feel .
- prismhud会告诉你。
- Prism hud will tell you .
- 苏在水槽那儿见到他。
- Sue met him at the sink .
- 苏很喜欢上这门课。
- Sue likes this lesson very much .
- 苏关切地看了看窗外。
- Sue look solicitously out of the window .
- 如何通知美国公民呢?
- How to inform american citizens ?
- 我们会及时通知你的。
- We 'll inform you in time .
- 直觉上知道生物反应能告知市场情绪是有他的道理的。
- But it makes intuitive sense that biological responses inform the mood of the markets .
- 反对党政客则指责默克尔夫人耍花招。
- Opposition politicians accuse mrs merkel of trickery .
- 民主党的支持者指责他的背叛。
- Dpj supporters accuse him of betrayal .
- 批判人士指控其酗酒、吸用可卡因,他对此予以否认。
- His critics accuse him of heavy drinking and cocaine use , which he denies .
- 在巴黎发表的声明就是为了大力削减这些雷同的机制。
- The paris declaration aims to cut the use of such parallel systems dramatically .
- 每种声明只使用一次意味着对选择器进行更加严格的分组。
- Using every declaration just once means making strict use of selector grouping .
- 得克萨斯州州长rickperry周三向全州做了一个抗灾宣言。
- Texas gov. rick perry announced a disaster declaration wednesday for the entire state .
- 该报道引发了一片轰动。
- The report caused a storm .
- 我们报道的总是一些好新闻呀。
- We always report good stories .
- 我们要求每个月都要有正式的进度汇报。
- We require a formal progress report each month .