- 路易斯安那州彭宁顿生物医学研究中心的乔治布雷(georgebray)博士领导了这项新的研究。
- Dr. george bray at the pennington biomedical research center in louisiana led the new study .
- 数年前,timbray想要搞清楚问题所在。
- A few years ago tim bray decided to find out where things stood .
- bray说,蛋白质含量较多的食物有瘦肉,鱼,鸡肉,低脂牛奶,鸡蛋与豆类。
- Protein-rich foods include lean meat , fish , chicken , low-fat milk , eggs and beans , bray says .
- 某些公司同样用精湛的技术自夸。
- Some also boast superb technology .
- 没有哪个国家敢吹嘘有这么多。
- No other country can boast so many .
- 它最喜欢的自夸是它是世界上最大的援助提供者。
- Its favourite boast is that it is the world 's biggest aid donor .