- 经济学上的论证无法影响一个女人如何为她的身体定价。
- Economic reasoning has little sway over how a woman values her body .
- 对立柱要特别的注意,好的立柱可以让房屋在地震中只是左右摇摆,不至于倒塌。
- Pay special attention to columns , which are the key to having a building sway rather than topple .
- proglio持续影响制约威立雅仅仅是其中一个极端的例子。
- Mr proglio 's continuing sway over veolia is merely an extreme example .
- 添加鹰嘴豆并搅拌。
- Add the chickpeas and stir .
- 该小组即将发布的另两个报告将会引起又一次的轰动。
- Two upcoming reports from the team could cause another stir .
- 这引起不小的轰动,并成就了毕鸠(biju)先生的名声。
- It created quite a stir , and made mr biju 's name .
- 这是对甘地最残酷的打击。
- It was the cruellest blow to gandhi .
- 正在此时,神风还在继续地吹着。
- Meanwhile , the kamikaze continues to blow .
- 我往往得先把书上的灰尘吹走。
- Usually I 'd have to blow the dust off the books .
- 他们在维拉克鲁斯附近把他给干掉了。
- They blew him out of the water off veracruz .
- 根据她的描述,wertheimer把她气炸了。
- By her account , wertheimer blew her off .
- 她对着它吹气,使它冷却下来。
- She blew on it to cool it down .