- 要不是挂在她脖子上的听诊器,我会把她当成女诗人。
- If not for the stethoscope around her neck , I 'd have taken her for a poetess .
- 当这个改变第一次被提出时他写了一篇报纸文章“这个想法太荒谬了!一位律师没有他的假发,就像一个医生没有一个听诊器。”
- " The idea 's ridiculous ! A barrister without his wig would be like a doctor without a stethoscope , " he wrote in a newspaper article when the changes were first proposed .
- 当冰冷的听筒接触到皮肤,包着二头肌的血压计开始变紧,人们通常都会感到有点紧张。
- When that cold stethoscope hits the skin and the blood pressure cuff starts tightening around the bicep people may get a little anxious .