- “如果巴霍芬认为这种普那路亚婚姻是‘非法的’,那么,那一时代的人也许要认为今日从兄弟姊妹或表兄弟姊妹之间结婚,近的和远的,大多数都是血亲婚配,正如亲兄弟和亲姊妹之间结婚一样。”
- " If bachofen considers these punaluan marriages'lawless , ' a man of that period would consider most of the present-day marriages between near and remote cousins on the father 's or mother 's side to be incestuous , as being marriages between blood brothers and sisters . "
- 四五年来,除了狱卒以外,他再没有听到过别人讲话,而在一个犯人看来,狱卒不能算是个人,他是橡木门以外的一扇活的门,铁栅栏以外的一道血和肉的障碍物。
- Edmond had not heard any one speak save his jailer for four or five years ; and a jailer is no man to a prisoner -- he is a living door , a barrier of flesh and blood adding strength to restraints of oak and iron .
- 墨西哥华雷斯城:一名身份不明的男子被杀后,当地居民查看地上的血迹。
- Ciudad juarez , mexico : a resident looks at a pool of blood after an unidentified man was murdered .