- 害羞的人在线交流时会变的更加开放。
- The shy become more outgoing online .
- 这位脸颊浮肿圆胖通红的腼腆男孩谦卑温顺的回答我提出的每一个问题。
- The shy boy with puffy , red cheeks responded meekly to each question I posed .
- 这名深受溺爱的国土管理官员之子儿时曾颇为腼腆。
- He was a shy , coddled child , the son of a land officer .
- 新娘子娇羞地走下花轿。
- The bride gets off the sedan chair bashfully .
- 羞答答隐没到海边让你在岸上独自思量。
- Bashfully disappeared by the sea , and let you wonder by yourself ashore .
- 师父害羞地笑著,避开我们爱慕的眼光,默默地加持整个办公室。
- But she smiled bashfully and moved away from our adoring eyes , silently blessing the whole office .