- 对吠陀复制本的错误学习被认为是一种严重的罪,潜在地产生直接的消极效果。
- Erroneous learning of repetition of the veda was considered a grave sin with potentially immediate negative consequences .
- 当前这些地方继承着印度人历史上遗留的遗产,并且与他们宗教文献的其他一些传说合拼,那就是梨俱吠陀和博伽梵歌。
- The current area takes what it can from the known history of the people of india , and incorporates some of the legends from their religious texts , the rig veda and the bhagavad gita .
- 像所有的印度文献一样,《梨俱吠陀》主要是通常口头方式来相传。
- Like all hindu scriptures , the rig veda was passed on primarily in an oral fashion .
- 婆罗门教《吠陀经》中所反映的古印度的一种宗教实践或信仰。
- The religious practices and beliefs of ancient india as reflected in the vedas .
- 林伽教派拒绝吠陀和婆罗门祭司,还有所有的种姓差别。
- Virasaivism rejected the vedas , the brahman priesthood , and all caste distinction .
- 以撒否认了《韦达经》和《宇宙古史》的神圣口述,对他们的同伴声称独一的律法已经给予了人类,在他们的行动中指引着他们。
- Issa denied the divine dictation of the vedas and the pouranas , declaring to their followers that one law had been given to humans to guide them in their actions .
- 甚至更早时,吠陀古经文献中就有同类故事。
- Even earlier , the same types of stories were present in vedic literature .
- 摘要梵语古典文学是在吠陀和史诗的基础上发展起来的。
- The classic sanskrit literature flourished on the basis of the vedic and epic literature .
- 平等权不是韦达思想。
- Equal rights is not vedic idea .