- 在沃尔维斯湾(在纳米比亚西岸附近)的鹈鹕从船上投入空中,在抓鱼时决不会掉进水里。
- In walvis bay , namibia , a pelican would never fail in catching a fish ...... when thrown from a boat .
- 一艘船停靠在小小的墨西哥村庄;一位美国旅人一边称赞着这位墨西哥渔夫钓来的好鱼,一边询问他捕获需要多久的时间。
- A boat docked in a tiny mexican village . An american tourist complimented the mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them .
- 在沃尔维斯湾(在纳米比亚西岸附近)的鹈鹕从船上投入空中,在抓鱼时决不会掉进水里。
- In walvis bay , namibia , a pelican would never fail in catching a fish ...... when thrown from a boat .