- 在危地马拉,有罪不罚曾制造出众多纷纷扰扰、令人迷惑、自相矛盾的故事与谣言,使得那些强大的利益集团不仅可以掩盖历史,还可以篡改历史。
- In guatemala impunity has created a bewildering swirl of competing stories and rumors allowing powerful interests not only to cloak history but also to fabricate it .
- 他们会夸大金钱,他们对于足球的无知程度几乎和他们自以为的了解程度一样,他们还会编造关于女人的段子。
- They exaggerate about money , they don 't know football nearly as well as they think they do , and they fabricate stories about women .
- 去年10月,由美国提出的一项议案也许能把伊朗储备的大部分低浓度铀交给俄罗斯浓缩为20%的高浓缩铀,法国还能将其制造成反应堆的燃料棒。
- A proposal engineered by america last october would have removed much of iran 's stockpile of low-enriched uranium for russia to enrich up to 20 % and for france to fabricate into fuel rods for the reactor .