- 他们推动这个国家向前发展。
- And they moved this country forward .
- 远期价格同样高企。
- Forward prices are also high .
- 我们的生产力战略正向前推进。
- Our productivity strategies are moving forward .
- 还是冲突就在前面?
- Or does conflict lie ahead ?
- 诸多的挑战摆在前面。
- Plenty of challenges lie ahead .
- 双方都看到了前面的问题。
- Both see bleak views ahead .
- 后来我们停下来吃了午饭,然后继续前进。
- We paused again for lunch , then pushed onward .
- 正当购物商城前进的步伐开始似乎不可停止一样,事态开始变糟。
- Just as the onward march of malls began to seem unstoppable , though , things began to go wrong .
- 我们知道一旦事情开始将没有什么可以阻止它前进的浪潮。
- We know that once things start there will be no stopping the onward surge .