- 幸运的是,几个月后金叔叔被他有钱的地主家庭保了出来,幸免于1949年11月27日发生的大屠杀。
- Fortunately , several months later uncle jin was bailed out by his wealthy landlord family , thus avoiding a deadly fate in the november 27 , 1949 massacre .
- 爱立此碑,以告慰震亡之亲人,靳表献身之英烈,鼓舞当代人民,教育后世子孙。
- Likes setting up this tablet , consoles shakes perishes the family member , jin biao devotes the heroic deed , inspires the contemporary people , the education later generation descendants .
- 而全国的其他邮局恐怕将彻底倒闭了.
- Other post offices round the country may close down completely .
- 在德里的一席诱人的内阁职位可以为此锦上添花。
- A tempting cabinet post in delhi would sweeten the deal .
- 里斯本条约设立了一个新的职位:欧盟理事会主席。
- The lisbon treaty creates a new post of an eu president .