- 即使是像无人火星探索这样激发了公众一定兴趣的项目,现在也被削减了,有一些所谓的航天支持者也和其他人一样受到了忧虑的影响。
- Even robotic mars exploration , about which the public did show enthusiasm , has now been cut back . Nominal space supporters may well be influenced by the same inner apprehension as the rest of the population .
- 在1881年,巴特勒迪接触了古斯塔夫埃菲尔关于钢铁骨架结构的设计,这个骨架将作为雕像的支撑,随着雕像在巴黎地平线上立起,为了和雕像其余部分重新组装,火炬部分也从纽约运了回来。
- In 1881 , bartholdi approached gustave eiffel about designing the steel skeleton that would support the statue , and the torch was shipped back from new york to be reunited with the rest of the sculpture as it rose above the paris skyline .
- 他有一次操作绰号为“飞行的床架”的设计精良但非常笨重的试验器的时候,这个设备在着陆前几秒钟失控并且爆炸了,但他只是拂去身上的灰尘,冷静地走回办公室过完一天。
- He once lost control of an unwieldy contraption nicknamed the flying bedstead that was designed to help astronauts train for the lunar landing . Ejecting only seconds before his craft hit the ground and exploded , he dusted himself off and coolly went back to his office for the rest of the day .