- 人死后还有生命吗?
- Is there life after death ?
- 8年后他们离婚了。
- They divorced after eight years .
- 任命宣布后巴西股市大涨。
- Markets rose after the announcements .
- 每个人都转过去背对着我。
- Everyone turned their back on me .
- 然后我们走了回去。
- And then we walked back .
- 她把手缩回去,笑了笑。
- She pulls back and smiles .
- 一个月后哈里森病逝。
- He died a month later .
- 这项出售后来泡汤了。
- The sale later fell through .
- 更多的学科将随后出炉。
- More subjects may come later .
- 我们的孩子落后了吗?
- Are our kids falling behind ?
- 微软究竟落后了多少?
- How far behind is microsoft ?
- 她从手臂后面偷眼望去。
- She peeked from behind her arms .