- 这个名称在那个时期是一种幸事,它帮助阻止了一项旨在建立一条从城区心脏地带穿过的快车道的建议。
- This designation was a blessing in those years as it helped fight proposals for a freeway across the heart of the area .
- 这种类型的经前综合症拥有自己的精神病学名称:经前不悦症(pmdd)。
- This form of pms has its own psychiatric designation : premenstrual dysphoric disorder ( pmdd ) .
- 这种类型的经前综合症拥有自己的精神病学名称----经前不悦症(pmdd)。
- This form of pms has its own psychiatric designation - premenstrual dysphoric disorder ( pmdd ) .
- 惠普公司发言人说,palm的一系列术语将得到更新和调整。
- H-p 's spokeswoman said that palm nomenclature would be changed in an update .
- 这个因子产生了“o阳型”或“ab阴型”的命名。
- This led to the nomenclature " o positive " or " ab negative . "
- 至于目前的版本是不是“真正的lte”,这是一个纯技术派感兴趣的术语问题。
- As for whether today 's version is ' true lte , ' this is a nomenclature issue that mainly interests technical purists .