- 这样的名誉是名符其实的。
- And that reputation is deserved .
- 这种蓝筹声誉并不仅局限于俄罗斯。
- That blue-chip reputation is not confined to russia .
- 这会留下名誉记录,劝阻汪达尔主义。
- This leaves reputation trails and discourages vandalism .
- 他是个天才,很早就赢得了名声。
- He was a genius and he won his fame very early .
- 而真正的灾难要数名誉与财富带来的创伤。
- The real disaster was the trauma of fame and fortune .
- 我继续施压说,金钱和名誉肯定对他有一些影响。
- Still I pressed money and fame must have had some impact .
- 这篇短篇小说由两种著名的杂志刊出。
- This short story was published by two journals of repute .
- 这篇小说曾在两家有名的杂志上发表。
- This story was published by two journals of repute .
- 该旅馆一向为人称道。
- This hotel has been in good repute .