- 民主在国家之间和在国家内部建立友爱。
- Democracy creates fraternity across national frontiers and within national frontiers .
- “抗击气候变化当然与国家间的友爱密切相关,甚至关系到一些国家的生死存亡,”他在接受美联社采访时说。
- " Fighting climate change is definitely closely related to fraternity between nations . It even concerns the survival of some states , " he told ap .
- 据日本政府称,鸠山由纪夫表示他希望东海成为“友爱之海”而非“争议之海”。
- Mr. hatoyama said he would like to turn the east china sea a ' sea of fraternity ' rather than a ' sea of contention , ' according to the japanese government account of the meeting .