- 许多分析师和交易商对此表示赞同。
- Many analysts and traders agree .
- 许多国防大佬同意上述论调。
- Plenty of defence wonks agree .
- 我发现很难赞同这一点。
- I find it impossible to agree .
- 他立即爽快地表示同意。
- He gave a ready consent .
- 不过英国若不赞成,这项税收也就无从向英国征收。
- Such a tax could not be imposed on britain , however , without its consent .
- 为了实现这一目标,欧元区需要英国的同意。
- To achieve this , the euro zone needs the consent of britain .
- 塞内加和武士们肯定会同意这一点。
- Seneca and the samurai would surely approve .
- 批准或拒绝名字标签。
- Approve or deny name tags .
- 美国国会应该批准这项法案。
- Congress should approve this legislation .
- 我同意德格劳威教授的观点。
- I accept prof de grauwe 's points .
- 民选政府会认可不靠谱的技术官僚们瞎猜出来的数字吗?
- Would elected governments accept the guesstimates of unaccountable technocrats ?
- 塞尔维亚拒绝承认科索沃的独立地位。
- Serbia refuses to accept kosovo 's statehood .