- 从吊车操作员的视角。
- What the crane operator sees .
- 他们的行动一直是在用吊车把一块巨大的乐高路障吊起。
- The action consisted of hanging a giant fictitious lego block from a crane .
- 当吊车在上海装载时,穆阿仁拍下了集装箱的编号和吊车。
- Mouazzen photographed this number and the crane when it was being loaded in shanghai .
- 佛山罢工迫使本田暂停了两家整车装配工厂的生产。
- Their action forced honda to suspend operations at two assembly plants .
- 根据世贸组织的规定,一个国家可以仅仅为了环境保护而正常停止自然资源的出口。
- Under w.t.o. rules , countries may formally suspend exports of natural resources only for environmental conservation .
- 政府被迫引入资金管制并停止支付黄金,这在事实上导致了货币与黄金脱钩。
- The government was forced to introduce capital controls and suspend gold payments , in effect unpegging its currency .
- 但是我们不应该哀悼。
- But we should not mourn .
- 然而,很难不哀悼这么多的东西将会成为这一转变的牺牲品。
- Yet it is hard not to mourn much that will fall victim to this transformation .
- 美国时代的黄昏不是一个悼念场合或者横加指责的时刻。
- The twilight of the american era is not an occasion to mourn or a time to cast blame .
- 她很惊讶我还记得,开心的挂了电话。
- She was surprised I remembered and hang up with a happy laugh .
- 这时,工作人员会尝试与客户联系,提醒他挂断电话。
- In this case they try to contact the subscriber and remind him to hang up the receiver .
- 别忘了在挂断电话之前要与对方说再见。
- Eg. always say goodbye before you hang up the phone .
- 一些人喜欢把衬衣摺叠起来,但我喜欢把我的挂在衣架上。
- Some people fold their blouses , but I like to hang mine on a hanger .
- 悬崖衣架型:这些人非常有热情,每件事都等到最后经常在最后的截止日期前才完成所有的事情。
- Cliff hanger : these people thrive on excitement , delay everything to the last minute and usually need a deadline to complete anything .
- 通过将衣架的功能与折叠椅进行揉和,新的混合体诞生:折叠椅即使不用的时候也有一个功能,就是能使我们有序地存放衣服。
- By morphing the function of the hanger with that of the folding chair , a new hybrid is born : a hanger chair that has a function , even when not in use , to store our clothes in an orderly fashion .