- 邓肯夫人是一名南方白人女性,穿着十分得体,扎着一个圆发髻,穿着一身蓝色的套装,在这个名人时刻她依然保持着过去那个年代的学校教师常有的亲切、镇定的权威。
- Mrs. duncan turned out to be a very proper southern white lady with a bun and a blue suit and she handled her moment of celebrity with the combination of graciousness and unflappable authority that once was common in schoolteachers .
- 25万欧元去买一个汉堡包确实是相当贵,但这只是今年十月markpost计划内夹在面包片中一块肉饼的价格。
- A quarter of a million euros is rather a lot to pay for a hamburger , but that will be the cost of the patty which mark post proposes to stick in a bun this october .
- 邓肯夫人是一名南方白人女性,穿着十分得体,扎着一个圆发髻,穿着一身蓝色的套装,在这个名人时刻她依然保持着过去那个年代的学校教师常有的亲切、镇定的权威。
- Mrs. duncan turned out to be a very proper southern white lady with a bun and a blue suit and she handled her moment of celebrity with the combination of graciousness and unflappable authority that once was common in schoolteachers .