- 与此同时,助理教练雷-威尔金斯将临时接管球队。
- While that continues assistant coach ray wilkins will take charge of the team on a temporary basis .
- 布鲁塞尔不需要负责税收和支出,也不需要欧元债券覆盖所有政府债务。
- Brussels need not take charge of tax and spending nor need eurobonds cover all government debts .
- 提高社区成员的能力,使他们能对自己的生活完全负责,能完全应对使用可利用资源的暴露出来的挑战。
- Enhances the capacity of the community members to fully take charge of their lives and fully address emerging challenges using available resources .
- 我有紧急的事情要处理。
- I have pressing business to attend to .
- 危险依然存在,政府必须迅速采取行动处理合法且一贯的不满。
- While the spooks persevere the government must quickly attend to legitimate and longstanding grievances .
- 最终,你将会把你的收件箱消减到一个更好管理的存量上,而这将给你带来更多的时间来处理与工作相关的邮件。
- Eventually you 'll have pared your inbox down to a more manageable size giving you more time to attend to relevant emails .
- 它的馅料是奶酪和蘑菇。
- It 's stuffed with cheese and mushroom .
- 奶酪比萨也从没有让我失望过。
- Cheese pizza never let me down .
- 有的可能已经在你剩余的烤乳酪三文治里繁殖。
- Others may colonize the remnants of your grilled cheese sandwich .