- 白羊座的人在这些动力的驱使和影响下,在任何合作经营的企业里,他们生来就是主力军。
- The aries driving force compels those born under its influence to become the leading light in any co-operative venture .
- 皇家方舟号是一艘轻型航空母舰,曾在入侵伊拉克的战斗中发挥重要作用,已服役25年。
- Ark royal is a light aircraft carrier that played a leading role in the iraq invasion and was in service for 25 years .
- 到了19世纪,摄影技术和光谱学研究目标物体发射光的波长的学科使得研究遥远的恒星的化学组成和变化成为了可能,使天体物理学得以发展。
- In the 19th century , photography and spectroscopy - the study of the wavelengths of light that objects emit - made it possible to investigate the compositions and motions of stars from afar , leading to the development of astrophysics .
- 亚特拉迪斯号将随着火柱腾空而起,起先速度是慢慢的但是越来越快越来越快。
- Atlantis will rise on a pillar of fire , slowly at first but then faster and faster .
- 性别特征虽说不是典型的企业品牌核心,但对邦德品牌而言是制胜关键。
- Sex is not your typical corporate brand pillar , but for the bond brand , it is key .
- 第三个摇摇欲坠的支柱是战后经济模式本身。
- The third crumbling pillar is the postwar economic model itself .