- 奇怪的是,斯波蒂独自出现在布朗尼主人家,吠叫、哀嚎,还总是缠着家里的人,但他们忙于自己的生活,没有在意邻居家这只神经质的小狗。
- Curiously , spotty showed up at brownie 's house alone , barking , whining and generally pestering brownie 's human family . Busy with their own lives , they just ignored the nervous little neighbor dog .
- 这种寂静直到爱斯基摩犬醒来为早饭而吠叫才得以打破。
- That is , until the huskies wake up and start barking for breakfast .
- 身上粘满泥土的狗在空荡的街道游荡,他们的吠叫和乌鸦的哑叫是这唯一的声响。
- Mud-caked dogs roam empty streets , their barking and the cawing of crows the only sounds .