- 需求的呼声此起彼伏,当韩国某个乡镇的政府机构对外宣称他们将销售便宜的腌制卷心菜时,咨询数量如洪水般的涌进当地网站,网站差点因此而瘫痪。
- Such is the clamour for the stuff that when the municipal authority of one rural town announced that it would sell cheap packets of cabbage in brine , its website was inundated with inquiries and crashed .
- 从客厅传来的喧闹声。
- The clamour of voices from the living-room .
- 因此,消费者似乎没有大声喧哗要打破钻石的垄断。
- There seems to be no consumer clamour to break up the diamond cartel .