- 她刚睡下就被一阵敲门声吵醒了。
- Scarcely had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door awaked her .
- 这有一个关于英语诗人萨缪尔。柯勒律治的有名的故事,当时他正在写诗,却被意外的敲门声打断了思路。
- There is a famous story about british poet samuel taylor coleridge . He was writing a poem when he was interrupted by a knock at the door .
- 他声称,“任何人想要进入我们的国土首先要先敲门”,就是用稍稍隐晦的语气警告卡塔尔不要在利比亚中央政府不稳固的情况下支持雄心勃勃的伊斯兰分子。
- " Anyone who wishes to come to our house should knock on the front door first , " he said , in a thinly veiled warning to qatar to stop favouring ambitious islamists at the expense of the shaky central government .