- 我一般会先敲下门。
- I always knock first .
- 仅仅因为感觉到住房价格太活跃,我们是不是就准备彻底打跨这个行业呢?
- Would we be prepared to knock industry for six simply because we felt that house prices were getting a bit too sporty ?
- 这名智利密探听到桑托斯的话时,她想弄明白他说的“用大棒打”是什么意思。
- As the chilean agent listened to santos she wondered what he had meant by " knock over a big stick . "
- 请多多指教,小弟在这给您磕头了!
- Please exhibitions , the younger brother in this kowtow to you !
- 小型直齿浇包可用较高的安全转轴,一个制动器控制竖直力矩,根本不存在磕头现象。
- Small straight teeth casting ladle available high safety revolving shaft , a brake control vertical torque , doesn 't exist kowtow phenomenon .
- 不,我才不会向床垫公司卑躬屈膝呢。
- No , I don 't kowtow to no mattress company .
- 这是我唯一的请求。
- That is all I ask .
- 请他们尊重你的选择。
- Ask only that they respect this .
- 可以请你喝一杯吗?
- May I ask you for a drink ?
- 因此,zoghbi博士预测,如果能够用药物敲除掉这些分子受体,那么这将会是那些焦虑的动物平静下来。
- Thus , dr zoghbi predicts that knocking out the receptors with drugs will help calm the animals .
- 他们那时投票反对,或许相信国际刑事法庭永远不会再来敲门了。
- They voted against it , perhaps believing the icc would never come knocking .
- 一个10岁的孩子应该懂得不应该不敲门就进入别人的房间。
- A 10-year-old kid should know better than to open someone 's door up without knocking .