- 本文试图通过研读尼采对苏格拉底的批判,进入古今之争的核心问题。
- By reading up the animadversion upon socrates by nietzsche , this thesis try to understand the core of the contest between the ancients and the moderns .
- 如果不是这样,那为什么古人会去崇拜太阳,把它作为对于个体的生命的一种连续不断的仁慈的和有益的影响力的代表?
- Then if not , why , how did the ancients worship the sun as the representative of a continuous benevolent and beneficent influence upon the life of the individual ?
- 犹太人的长老遂继续修建,因著先知哈盖,和依多的儿子匝加利亚的鼓励,进行的很是顺利;如此他们遵照以色列天主的旨意,并按照波斯王居鲁士和达理阿的谕令,完成了建殿的工程。
- And the ancients of the jews built and prospered according to the prophecy of aggeus the prophet , and of zacharias the son of addo : and they built and finished , by the commandment of the god of israel , and by the commandment of cyrus , and darius , and artaxerxes kings of the persians .