- 亮红色的口红会让同事避而远之吗?
- Is bright-red lipstick putting their co-workers off ?
- 一只新款的唇膏就能让我们看上去焕然一新。
- New lipstick gives us a whole new lease on life .
- 大部分唇膏的部分原材料是鱼鳞。
- Most lipstick is partailly made of fish scales .
- 洪森先生自己在1977年叛离之前就曾是一名年轻的红色高棉的军官。
- Mr hun sen himself was a young khmer rouge military commander before defecting in 1977 .
- 在1999年,联合国专家指出有重大的证据指明红色高棉的种族灭绝行为。
- In 1999 , un experts concluded that there was strong evidence pointing to genocide by the khmer rouge .
- 洪森曾是红色高棉的一名指挥官,2013年将面临新的选举。
- Mr. hun sen , a former commander in the khmer rouge , faces re-election in 2013 .