- 你们的金银生了锈,这锈要作控告你们的证据,也要像火一样吞食你们的肉。
- Your gold and silver is cankered : and the rust of them shall be for a testimony against you , and shall eat your flesh like fire .
- 至今他的每个观点都是引人注目的并且是对他的耐心,慎重,和多数具有说服力的创作的验证。
- Yet every one of his arguments is compelling-and it is a testimony to his patience , carefulness , and creativity that most are persuasive .
- 评估教学质量之难,德尔班科教授可以作证,他的书里有一条令人过目难忘的关于学生评估表的脚注。
- As a testimony to the difficulty of evaluating the quality of teaching , professor delbanco includes a devastating footnote about student evaluations .
- 命令所针对的人要求将命令的登记更改或作废的申请,必须藉由誓章支持的传票向法官提出。
- An application by the person against whom an order was made to vary or set aside the registration of an order must be made to a judge by summons supported by affidavit .
- 在为本誓章监誓前,律师或监誓员务请确定宣誓人的全名,地址及描述已有述明,并务请在印制的表格上任何删除或其他更改之处简签.
- Before swearing the affidavit , the solicitor or commissioner is particularly requested to make sure that the full name , address and description of the deponent are stated , and to initial any crossings-out or other alterations in the printed form .
- 我想要你签的那份证词。
- I 'd like that affidavit you signed .