- 如果在我口中的就是我的。
- If its in my mouth , it 's mine .
- 口语人的嘴有三种主要功能。
- The human mouth has three major functions .
- 口腔细菌会影响心脏吗?
- Can mouth bacteria affect the heart ?
- 委内瑞拉也新开了一家工厂。
- Venezuela is opening a new factory .
- 看来开始的方式是一个对男女双方都很严肃的问题。
- It seems opening lines are a serious business for both sexes .
- 从1998年开始运营到现在,14号线从未出过事故。
- Since opening in 1998 , line 14 has had no accidents .
- 这个入口通往一个炸药库。
- This entrance leads into a bomb shelter .
- 这是natlismcemeli修道院的入口。
- Entrance to the monastery at natlismcemeli .
- 现在文法学校不是总能有足够的容量接受通过初中入学考试的学生。
- Nowadays it is not always enough for a child to pass the 11-plus entrance test .
- 危机漏洞越来越大。
- The hole is getting bigger .
- 凡是法律,皆有漏洞。
- Every law has a loop hole .
- 这个孔也是一种强大的氧化剂。
- This hole is also a powerful oxidiser .