- 常规的自动拼版和叠印也可实现。
- Regular automatic imposition and overprint can also be implemented .
- 套印、叠印、陷印如何区分?
- Overprint , dieyin , trap how to distinguish ?
- 压力调整采用无侧间隙传动,套印正确。
- Backlash transmission by using pressure adjustment , overprint correct .
- 那么,负担将落到欧洲人的头上。
- The burden would then fall on the europeans .
- 其中一些损失最终将落在纳税人头上。
- Some of those losses will ultimately fall on taxpayers .
- 于是,额外紧缩大部分无疑将落在公共开支头上。
- So the bulk of this extra austerity would surely fall on public spending .