- 埃及的动乱是该国政治的一个转折点。
- The turmoil in egypt marks a turning-point for that country 's politics .
- 在经济混乱中人们所受的苦难已减少。
- The human misery of economic turmoil has diminished .
- 重建工作本就困难,选举中的种种动乱有可能进一步延迟重建。
- The turmoil surrounding the election risks delaying the hard work of reconstruction even further .
- 这一事件无法得到独立证实。
- The incident couldn 't be independently confirmed .
- 46名韩国船员死于这一事件。
- Forty-six sailors died in the incident .
- 这一绑架事件引起了国际纠纷。
- Eg. the kidnapping caused an international incident .