- 有组织犯罪在经济下滑时期可能会非常猖獗,因为它很大程度上依靠对官员的贿赂,卡的夫大学的犯罪学教授迈克尔李维这样说。
- Organised crime may do especially well in the downturn because it depends so heavily on the bribery of officials , reckons michael levi , a professor of criminology at cardiff university .
- 有组织犯罪在经济下滑时期可能会非常猖獗,因为它很大程度上依靠对官员的贿赂,卡的夫大学的犯罪学教授迈克尔李维这样说。
- Organised crime may do especially well in the downturn because it depends so heavily on the bribery of officials , reckons michael levi , a professor of criminology at cardiff university .
- 受贿罪客观方面比较研究--以“职务行为”、“受贿方式”为中心
- A comparative study on the objective aspects of bribery crime -- centralizing on " post behaviors " and " ways of accepting bribe "