- 任何单位和个人采取非法拘禁他人或者非法私自扣押他人财产追索债务的,应当依法追究刑事责任,或者予以拘留、罚款。
- Any unit or individual that extorts a debt by illegitimate detention of a person or illegal distraint of a property shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law , or shall be punished with a detention or fine .
- 各类传统社会都讨厌公司,按照18世纪英国法学家edwardthurlow的说法,这些公司“既无肉体可供惩罚,又无灵魂可供谴责”。
- Traditional societies of all kinds have been uncomfortable with corporations which , according to edward thurlow , an 18th-century british jurist , have " neither bodies to be punished , nor souls to be condemned " .
- 因此那些亵渎者将会受到惩罚,因为他们自己的武器将被用来对付他们。
- Those who are thus sacrilegious will suffer and be punished , for their own weapons will be turned against them .