- 但林书豪能取代姚明吗?
- But can lin replace yao ?
- 清洁或更换暖气过滤网。
- Clean or replace furnace filters .
- 替换原先枯燥乏味的新闻邮件。
- To replace the boring old newsletter .
- 新技术常常无法替代旧的技术。
- New technologies often fail to displace old ones .
- 像其他一些次时代的高速路线比起带动经济活跃反而更像是替代了它。
- High-speed lines , like other regeneration projects , often displace economic activity rather than create it .
- 共和主义者应该帮助我们找到一些民主政治的象征,尽管它们不能马上替代这些皇室象征,但是最终,人们会慢慢的喜欢上它们。
- Republicans should help us develop symbols for its celebration . They may not immediately displace the royal symbols but , in time , people will come to love them more .
- 经济学家拎出“网络效应”来解释为什么互联网能够取代原先的那些专有服务系统。
- Economists point to " network effects " to explain why the internet managed to supplant these proprietary services .
- 如果保守派被要求团结在一个参选人周围的话,他们很有可能会选择其他人来代替罗姆尼。
- If conservatives were to rally around a single alternative candidate , they could quite probably supplant mr romney with one of their own .
- 哥本哈根峰会原计划继续两年前巴厘岛峰会所开始的工作,最终达成一项代替即将到期的京都议定书的协议。
- The copenhagen summit is supposed to conclude the two-year process that began at the bali summit two years ago of formulating a treaty to supplant the kyoto protocol .