- 2009年春季的一天,当尤利娅季莫申科梳着简单的发髻出现在一次例行会议上时,许多乌克兰人都大吃一惊。
- When yulia tymoshenko turned up for a rather routine meeting one spring day in 2009 , hair pulled back into a simple bun , many ukrainians were flabbergasted .
- 邓肯夫人是一名南方白人女性,穿着十分得体,扎着一个圆发髻,穿着一身蓝色的套装,在这个名人时刻她依然保持着过去那个年代的学校教师常有的亲切、镇定的权威。
- Mrs. duncan turned out to be a very proper southern white lady with a bun and a blue suit and she handled her moment of celebrity with the combination of graciousness and unflappable authority that once was common in schoolteachers .
- 乳酪汉堡-烤与乳酪您的选择在一个敬酒的芝麻籽小圆面包的。
- Cheeseburger - grilled with your choice of cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun .
- 我甚至都不知道“假髻”是什么。
- I don 't know even know what a chignon is .
- 巴拉克奥巴马的新夫人(奥巴马二婚),婚礼当天,她的头发被盘成传统发髻。
- The new mrs. barack obama wore her hair pulled back into a classic chignon for her wedding day .
- 有人说,赫尔曼对ysl的市场触觉敏锐,是因为她代表着其理想顾客:她个子娇小,体型纤细,盘着发髻。
- Some say ms hermann has a good feel for ysl 's market because she represents its ideal customer : she is small and slim , with a chignon .