- 屏幕数量的泛滥,使得阅读和写作的数量继续增长。
- More screens continue to swell the volume of reading and writing .
- 由爱好者制作的应用将如泛滥般袭来,上述数字也会增长。
- The coming deluge of apps made by amateurs will see those numbers swell .
- 固定汇率和强大的资本流入会造成外汇储备和货币供应增长。
- The fixed exchange rate and strong capital inflows have caused foreign-exchange reserves and hence the money supply to swell .
- 症状会从局部性的肿胀扩展到全身性的休克。
- Symptoms range from localized swelling to systemic shock .
- 其他也面临着不断膨胀赤字问题的国家政客可能也加入其中。
- Politicians elsewhere , also facing swelling deficits , may join him in that .
- 热会加速循环并加重肿胀。
- Heat will increase circulation and increase swelling .
- 膨胀的资产负债表与较低的波动性(因而较低的风险)相结合,压低了利润率水平。
- A combination of bloated balance sheets and low volatility ( and therefore reduced risk ) kept margins low .
- 如果膨胀的官僚主义能得到遏制,那么洛川的财政状况会有更好的表现。
- Luochuan 's finances would work far better if it cut its bloated bureaucracy .
- 膨胀的五角大楼预算的确需要提高效率。
- Sooner or later the bloated pentagon budget could do with some enforced efficiencies .