- 不过帕美瑞拒绝评论这个问题。
- Palmieri declined to address the issue .
- 问题在于董事会本身。”
- The issue is the board . "
- 质量不再是个问题。
- Quality is no longer an issue .
- 123接受美国能源部拨款,是根据2009年的经济刺激法案进行的。
- A123 's grant from the department of energy was funded by the 2009 economic-stimulus law .
- 当时低迷的价格还促使一些公司董事会比正常情况授予了更多的期权和股票。
- The depressed prices at the time also prompted some boards to grant larger numbers of options or shares than usual .
- 还有些议员赞同授予美国政府问责局(governmentaccountabilityoffice)审计美联储的权力。
- Others are preparing to grant sweeping audit power over the fed to the government accountability office .
- 他们的杂志扩展了他们的市场领域。
- Their magazines extend their dominance .
- 周仍在探寻扩大其android领先的方法。
- Chou is looking for ways to extend his android lead .
- 内塔尼亚胡总理拒绝延长停建时间。
- Mr netanyahu refused to extend it .
- 这样的研究成果能够帮助电网公司更加有效地发放电能。
- The results are helping utilities dole out electricity more efficiently .
- 监管机构发放少量的投资配额,由投资银行进行管理。
- Regulators dole out investment quotas that are managed by investment banks .
- 也有很多关于如何发放资金的问题没有得到回答。
- There are also many unanswered questions over how to dole out the money .
- 发行债券有助于提高透明度和财政自律。
- Bond issuance encourages transparency and fiscal probity .
- 股价的上涨推动了股票的发行。
- The surge in stock prices fueled the issuance .
- 发行更长时期的债券也有其缺陷。
- There are limits to issuance of longer-dated liabilities .