- 非繁殖季节未断奶卡拉库尔母羊诱导同期发情的研究。
- The study of estrus induction on non ablactation karakul ewe in non breeding season .
- 后情期动情后的性不活跃期。
- The period of sexual inactivity that follows estrus .
- 圈养雌性马麝发情交配格局同行为发生频次的关系。
- Relationship between estrus patterns and behavioral frequencies of captive female alpine musk deer .
- 高温毫无疑问会杀死精子。
- No doubt heat kills sperm .
- 你可能会问,为什么封堵高温消息呢?
- Why block the heat , you might ask ?
- 一些人能比其它人更能适应高温。
- Some people naturally adapt to heat much more than others .
- 疯狂的内裤,总是一成不变。
- Crazy underwear always in a rut .
- 我要破坏你的成规。
- I 'm going to bust your rut .
- 处于发情期的麋鹿集聚在一起,偶尔可以在盆地中辨认出来。
- In fall , the bull elk are in full rut and occasionally can be spotted in the basin as they gather their harems .