- 数据包括通过窄带氢α滤光镜拍摄的长曝光照片,描绘出氢原子发射的踪迹。
- The data include long exposures through a narrow hydrogen alpha filter that trace emission from atomic hydrogen .
- 也许不是,但那儿能看见两个明亮的发射星云昵称心与灵的发射星云。
- Possibly not , but that is where two bright emission nebulas nicknamed heart and soul can be found .
- 说明:在发射星云ic1805的中心区域,宇宙云气似乎形成了奇特的形状。
- Explanation : cosmic clouds seem to form fantastic shapes in the central regions of emission nebula ic 1805 .
- 他们对bbc发起了一场诉讼。
- They launch an action against the bbc .
- 会上没有提到下次发射的日期。
- No subsequent launch date was given .
- 他们将在这个月底发起他们的第一个项目。
- It will launch the first such project later this month .
- 基什内尔夫妇目前正在发动两项新的攻势。
- The kirchners are now launching two new offensives .
- 事实上nasrallah发动的这次袭击并不是什么新的举动。
- In launching his raid mr nasrallah was in fact doing nothing new .
- 全球衰退对于阿丽亚娜空间公司和卫星发射领域的影响有多严重?
- How badly has the global recession hit arianespace and the launching of satellites ?