- 周二德国警方发布消息说,警方拦截下一名酒后在高速路上驾车逆行的波兰妇女后,目瞪口呆地发现她的车是偷来的,并且没有驾驶执照。
- Officers were dumbfounded when they stopped a polish woman drunk at the wheel of a stolen car , driving on the wrong side of a motorway and without a license , german police said tuesday .
- 她赢了所有的奖项而使批评她的人傻眼。
- She dumbfounded her critics by winning all prizes .
- 我只是盯着他,一看傻眼了。
- I just stared at him with a dumbfounded look .
- 奥巴马的演说能否让仍因麻省失利而惊愕不已、士气低迷的民主党重新焕发生机、团结一致?
- Can mr obama 's speech galvanise and unite a party that remains stunned and demoralised by the upset in massachusetts ?
- 戴着眼镜的沃森先生没有穿孔也没有纹身,他拉着他的新娘,在惊愕的众人面前从中央结婚登记处走出来。
- Bespectacled mr watson , who has no piercings or tattoos , clutched his bride 's hand as they walked out of the central register office in front of stunned onlookers .
- 在新罕布什尔州,警方通知了msnbc电视台的记者,这个记者及时地将新闻传给了主播,主播惊愕不己只有携带隐蔽武器才是非法的。
- In new hampshire , as police informed an msnbc television reporter , who duly passed on the news to his stunned anchorman , only carrying a concealed weapon is illegal .