- 所有乳癌都是由异常基因引起的。
- All breast cancers are caused by abnormal genes .
- 大麻会降低精子能动性和增加不正常精子的数目。
- Marijuana can decrease sperm motility and increase the number of abnormal sperm .
- 男人们常常会想,他们自慰的方式是否不正常。
- Men often wonder if there 's something abnormal about the way they masturbate .
- 他们能够并且应该确保11月的数据是一种异常现象。
- They can and should make sure that november 's number remains an anomaly .
- 继续修理堤坝来改正这一反常的想法吧。
- Proceed to repair bay to correct this anomaly .
- 服务业占gdp的比例偏低,这在印度这样一个较为贫困的国家是反常现象。
- The disproportionate services gdp contribution is an anomaly in a poorer country like india .
- 为什么会如此不寻常呢?
- Why is this so unusual ?
- 但是为何这些异常的谋杀犯会存在于世呢?
- But why do these unusual murderers exist ?
- 紫金矿业的道歉声明很不寻常。
- Zijin 's apologetic statements were unusual .
- 由于独生子女政策以及对男孩的普遍偏好,而将女性胎儿选择性堕胎的做法,产生了一个反常的现象工厂中的女工越来越少。
- Selective female foetus abortions because of a one-child policy and preference for boys has also created the perverse effect of fewer women working in factories .
- 由于萨达姆先生邪恶的明星魅力,瑟苏尔先生的外套至今仍在伊拉克和中东其他地区畅销。
- Mr. cesur 's sales skyrocketed in iraq and other parts of the middle east , his suits now having mr. hussein 's perverse star power behind them .
- 而这只是因为当时倔强的苏格兰足协官员认为只要他们的球队赢得英国冠军锦标,就由他们赴巴西出战。
- That was the occasion when the deeply perverse scottish fa officials decided that their team would go to brazil only if they actually won the british championship .