- 最大的野心体现在铁路上。
- Railways reflect the boldest ambitions .
- 让你的微笑体现出你的心态。
- Let your smile reflect your attitude .
- 投票模式反映出人们的不同选择。
- Voting patterns reflect the divide .
- 它也将再次出现强势反弹。
- It will bounce back stronger again .
- 经济的迅速反弹看来是不太可能的。
- A quick bounce back looks unlikely .
- 也许增长将会出现反弹。
- Perhaps growth will bounce back .
- 别这么说,你不会出丑,凯特琳。
- Come on now , you ain 't hardly no throwback , caitlin .
- 科学家们目前尚不明确为什么会这样,但是他们认为这可能是一种进化返祖现象,因为在蛮荒时代,哭泣在骚乱时是对发情男性的一种威慑。
- Scientists do not know why this is the case but believe it could be an evolutionary throwback to less sophisticated times when crying acted as a deterrent to amorous males at times of turmoil .
- 他是维多利亚时代的一个大逆转,那个时候普遍认为道德沦丧必须靠强健的身体素质和心理素质来改变。
- He was a throwback to the victorian era when it was thought moral decay had to be combated by a regime of fitness for the mind and body .
- 但我已经习惯长时间的作为一个混蛋了。
- But I 've been a jerk for a real long time .
- 然而在银行业里,每每震动抽搐一下仍就让人觉得像是另一次大地震的前奏。
- In banking , however , every shake and jerk still feels like it might herald another devastating earthquake .
- 不要变成一个混蛋,这并不值得,只要过你自己的生活,也许别人会努力来迎合你。
- Don 't be a jerk because it doesn 't pay but live your life . Or others will try to live it for you .
- 日本对此的反射性反应,迄今一直是向美国靠拢。
- Japan 's reflex response has been to draw closer to the us .
- 自主神经系统的一个错误连接或许导致了性反应与喷嚏反射之间的关联。
- A faulty connection in the nervous system may link sexual responses to the sneezing reflex .
- 鸡皮疙瘩对人类是否有益尚不清楚,但这种反射对其他动物是有意义的。
- Goose bumps provide no known benefits for humans but the reflex makes sense for animals .
- 考虑到蓝色的天空和窗户的反射,摄影师选择在黄昏时拍摄这张照片。
- As the blue sky and its reflections in the windows hint this shot was made at dusk .
- 行为的性别差异某种程度上反映了他们大脑的系统性差别。
- Differences in behaviour between the sexes must , in some way , be reflections of systematic differences between the brains of males and females .
- 我们大多数历史色情概念已经被真的裸体女人所反映,称颂和替代。
- For most of our history erotic images have been reflections of , or celebrations of , or substitutes for , real naked women .