- 酸奶酪的消费突然变成了双倍了。
- The cost of yogurt was suddenly double .
- 准备好得到双倍的收获。
- Get ready for the double portion .
- 预算赤字猛增到足足两倍的数额。
- The budget deficit had soared well into double figures .
- 仅仅俩个水量再不断减少。
- Only two have decreasing water levels .
- 兄弟俩藏了起来,2名警察赶到了。
- The brothers hide as two cops arrive .
- 你们俩就不能用电邮或者别的什么方式么?
- Can 't you two email each other or something ?
- 双重国籍向来是个棘手问题。
- Dual citizenship is a thorny issue .
- 如果成功通过面试,你就可以进入双元制大学学习了。
- If you succeed in the interview you can study at the dual university .
- 但在非官方上,香港已经是一个双货币城市。
- Unofficially , though , hong kong is already a dual currency city .
- 打击腐败,是最能让总统卡钦斯基和其孪生兄弟贾罗斯劳感到欣慰的事情。
- Fighting corruption was one of the things that most animated lech kaczynski and his twin brother jaroslaw .
- 但是个人经历能够解释双生子之间的另一半差异其影响与基因持平,甚至常常大于基因。
- But individual experiences explain half of the variations between twin pairs-as much as , and often more than , genes .
- 我认为自己是一个理性的人,从来不太理会所谓双生子有“联系”的故事。
- I see myself as a rational person and I 've never had much time for stories about twin " connections " .