- 十几岁到二十多岁的女孩子、女青年在引领口语潮流和创造大众俚语方面功不可没,而且年轻女子在玩这种“花活”的时候比人们一般认为的要老练娴熟得多。
- Girls and women in their teens and 20s deserve credit for pioneering vocal trends and popular slang , they say , adding that young women use these embellishments in much more sophisticated ways than people tend to realize .
- 高级警官kavanagh说周日打破商店玻璃,实施抢劫的人比前一天的犯罪分子更年轻,其中有些是少年。
- Dac kavanagh said those on who smashed shops and looted on sunday were younger , with some in their teens .
- 虽然涉及青少年和20多岁妇女的电影系列是该行业的支柱,但是在过去的五年内向“熟女”发展的趋势已很明显。
- Although films featuring women in their teens and 20s are the mainstay of the industry , a trend toward " mature women " has become evident over the past five years .